His name was Iceberg.....
Disney Banner Network
His name was Iceberg....
Michael Iceberg
Who is Michael Iceberg?
Secret Agent
Sports Legend
None of these is true
Michael Iceberg is one of the most famous people in Disney history,
besides Walt Disney himself. For years he played the synthesizer, taking requests from people
in the Tomorrowland Terrace, and later the Tomorrowland Theater. According to readers of the
page who have written to me, heres some interesting facts:
Before Synthesizers were commonplace, Michael Iceberg had the Iceberg Machine. Using his
synthesizers and primative sequencers, he produced a show which according to one expert (see
the article from the Aspen times) needed to be seen as much as Space Mountain. When in the
Tomorrowland Terrace,
his machine was built out of silver foil, and rubber hoses. As he played,
lights added to the effect.
Then, they moved him to the Tomorrowland Theater, where he had, as one reader says, a cool checkered
pyramid and lighted keyboard behind his head.
He made an appearence on the Tonight Show, and he quotes Johnny at the beginning of his personal
webpage as saying "He has something that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world..." Johnny Carson - The Tonight Show.
While at the Tonight Show, he played an arrangement of the old Main Street electrical parade favorite,
the Baroque Hoedown, and the William Tell Overture.
Then, supposedly he moved his show to Disneyland
Here are some pictures (with commentary) of Michael generously donated to us by Mike F:....(michaelf@mtco.com)Thanks again Mike
This is the beginning of the show - with blazing rays of lights and rolling fog the
pyramid slowly opens. Don't remember what
music he was playing. About the only song I remember him playing
from this concert was "Nights in White Satin" by Moody Blues.
I remember that he sneaks in through the back of the pyramid,
dressed as a stage hand, sometime before the concert starts.
These vacation quality point&shoot pictures were taken at the Tommorrowland
Theatre, DW - must have been early 80s, I guess. I think he is originally from
Central Illinois
- Bloomington to be exact and used to own a music store there called Iceberg Music.
I could be totally off base on that...
The only gear I can recognize from this pic is the top keyboard. It is a
"Prophet 5" from Sequential Circuits. I think at this point he was
also using sequencers from Sequential Circuits to play additional parts.
The most distinct thing about his playing was the kooky facial expressions
he made as he got in to the songs.
Most of this webpage was directly transcribed from an e-mail message from Mike F. (michaelf@mtco.com).
In addition countless readers have sent me info regarding Michael Iceberg over the years, and all of you
that have have made this page a reality.